Without these important traits I don’t think you can make any progress on bettering yourself in this profession. You need to be meticulous not just on copying a certain design but also on understanding how that design should work. Precision and flexibility should always go together. To do that you need to be resourceful, if it’s something new, research. If it barely works and you don’t know how or why it does, research. If you can’t find answers on the internet, ask for help. If you still can’t, have patience. try to stay sane, don’t hurt yourself or your keyboard. Think of an alternative, keep on going until you find the answers you need. It’s all trial and error. The most important thing is you learned something new.
The learning curve never ends, it even keeps getting bigger. You never know what you’ll discover next or what you should already know and why you don’t know it yet and then once you do you ask yourself why you did not discover it sooner and how much life could’ve been easier if you had. Discovering a better way of doing something, or a solution to a problem. That’s the best feeling. And also learning something new from your co-workers.
My Favorites

I play online and offline pc games, i used to play guitar and draw but i rarely do now.

Traveling, going to new places, hunting places that sell good food.

Playing games, eating and watching good series/movies